Monday, March 24, 2008

We've been tagged!

We faved her over on Blotanical and what does she do? She tags us! Thanks Blue Fox!Okay, so we're fairly new to this whole blogging thing, new to Blotanical, and new to "tagging" but here goes. Here are 10 things people may or may not find interesting about us, the Weed Whackin' Wenches.

1. One of us grew up in the city and one of us grew up in the country. Interestingly enough, we grew up about an hour and a half away from each other.

2. The Country Wench, even though she lived in the country, never had a garden while growing up. The City Wench, even though she lived in the city, always had a garden while growing up.

3. One is scared of butterflies and the other is terrified of snakes. Both detest slugs! And both think snails are best on a plate with garlic butter sauce.

4. One lived in a co-op in college and the other one pledged a sorority. Each one (and all their friends) thought the two groups would never mesh, but here we are! :-)

5. One of us is stubborn. The other one is bullheaded. Am not! Are too! Am NOT! Are TOO!

6. One of the wenches has a passion for more unusual looking plants, such as hindu rope plants, purple shrimp plants and such. I think those plants are from outer space! 

The other wench's tastes are a bit more old fashioned, preferring flowers such as peonies, daisies, hyacinths and delphinium. Well I think those are old biddie plants!

7. One of us is a great baker. Hey what about that flaming chocolate shortbread that went flying out the kitchen window baking sheet and all? That was an unfortunate mishap. But perfection takes practice.

8. Both love to sing. One sang in multiple choirs but the other can't carry a tune in a bucket. Sorry honey.

9. Our house has more books than furniture. The Mayflower Moving team asked us if the public library was storing things at our house. They looked shocked and appalled when we said no, the books were all ours and yes, they were moving.

10. Curmudgeon used to be a coffee fiend. Wing Nut hardly ever touched the stuff. Curmudgeon turned Wing Nut into a coffee fiend. Then they moved to Seattle - coffee shop capital of the world. Oddly enough, Curmudgeon gave up coffee here. Now she wants Wing Nut to give up coffee too. NOOOOO!!  Don't touch my coffee pot!  I'm not done yet!

So there you are! Now you know a little bit more about the Weed Whackin' Wenches.  And remember - no tag backs please.  We've already contributed 20+ factoids!

Here's who we've chosen to tag. You can run but you can't hide!

Aunt Debbi over at Aunt Debbi's Garden because we know what happens to cabbages at her place and we're wondering about the other vegetables!

Brenda over at The Brenda Blog because we like her new polka dot blog design and loved seeing her pics of azaleas on her recent post.

Jean Ann over at Gardener to Farmer because she's new to Blotanical and this is part of the hazing, I mean welcoming process.

Nan over at Hayfield because she grows black pussy willow, has such handsome boys, and is from back home.

Viooltje over at Lady Greenthumb's Garden because Kristy & Krusty look like double trouble and we want to know more. Also we want to spread the tagging love around the world.

Have fun youse guys!



Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know whether to hit or hug you for tagging me! I'm assuming we tell things about ourselves that others don't know. Okay, I'm up for that. Don't know that anyone will be thrilled to hear how I cuss like a sailor. But who the hell cares! I'll just blame it on menopause if anyone asks, like I do everything else! Enjoyed your wit, as usual.

Anonymous said...

It was great fun learning more about you two! And now you've tagged me in turn: 10 things, huh? I'll have to ponder that for a bit!

Unknown said...

That was fun. You're a great team.

Petunia's Gardener said...

Ahh tagging. After the first time, I tend to ignore retags, but I will say it works as I've now learned more about you gardeners and been pointed to some other great blogs to visit.

Petunia (my garden snake) isn't easily offended. She's used to my suprised scream when I see her, even when I've been looking for her. And for the coffee, just remember about anything is good in moderation. I can't drink Scotch in the garden all of the time, so a little coffee is nice too.

Have you visited Seattle P-Patches? I'm a P-Patch tourist every chance I get.

Nice visiting you - Paula

Curmudgeon said...

Hee, hee. Look at it this way Brenda. You get to show off your new blog design. Maybe we should just start running now!

We really didn't want to do it Nan! Okay, we did want to do it. But we promise not to do it again!

Hi Cinj! Thanks for stopping by.

Scotch in the garden? I hadn't thought of that YET. Thanks Petunia's Gardener!

Tira said...

Afraid of butterflies? That made me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Okey dokey, ladies. I'm not sure how this meme got started, but I've now traced it from Blue Fox, to you two, to Brenda, to Dee to moi. This is a first and probably a last, but I do see that in tracing back you meet all sorts of new adventurers. So I'll bite. Fun stopping by! Kathryn