GBMD was started by Carolyn over at Sweet Home and Garden Chicago. This is a close-up of the potager after we planted the peas. I love the texxture of this picture. Can't you just feel the warmth and softness as you wiggle your bare toes deeper and deeper into the just turned soil?

In the loam we sleep,
In the cool moist loam,
To the lull of years that pass
And the break of stars,
From the loam, then,
The soft warm loam,
We rise:
To shape of rose leaf,
Of face and shoulder.
We stand, then,
To a whiff of life,
Lifted to the silver of the sun
Over and out of the loam
A day.
--Carl Sandburg, Cornhuskers (1918)
What a beautiful photo and what beautiful soil, WWWs! Maybe our rocky clay will look like that if we work on it for another 10 years.
The Carl Sandburg poem was perfect.
Carol of May Dreams Garden will love your vegetable garden and that you planted peas. Have you seen her world famous hoe collection yet?
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Thanks for joining our poetry circle. Oh to have such beautiful loam as yours. It's what we gardeners all strive for.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I am going to be checking out your pea planting and are those garden tools, I see in that previous post! Must see those!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
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